Touchy subject? Perhaps to some. As I was skimming through the news articles Friday morning, I came across an article posted on Yahoo.

Sad situation….yes. Why can’t some people change? Why must they be so ignorant?
I remember growing up…..there was never an issue with a person’s color. A lot of it had to do with growing up in the Army. There were Black, White, Asian, Hispanic etc. children around me. I cannot ever remember facing any problems because of my color or vice versa or noticing it an issue around me. Also, more of it comes from the way I was raised. My parents raised me to be friends with all people of color. I don’t remember ever hearing “that white girl, or that black boy….etc.” It was always by name. So I think the way people are raised plays a big part in how they view situations like this. I do remember however, when we moved to Fort Polk, Louisiana; in Jr. High I had friends of different colors and I remember a lot of the black girls were mad at me and wanted to know why I hung out with some white girls. I told them they were my friends and I didn’t see a problem hanging out with them just because they were white. That year was the hardest for me. I had my locker broken into because I refused to be “like them”….because I decided to associate with everyone and not just my “color”.
Am I ranting, venting or just sticking a topic out here for discussion? Not sure, but when I read this article I thought I should blog about it. It’s sad that there are so many people out there that refuse to change, refuse to realize how stupid & ignorant they are regarding the whole race issue. Ya know….when God sees us, He doesn’t see color, he sees His child He made, and He made us all very different, He doesn’t love one person more and one person less. We should look at people…not as “color” or “ethnicity” but as a human…as a person….that God created a little different than you. Blue eyed, green eyed, brown skin, white skin, thick hair, thin hair, big eyes, small eyes, big hair, small hands, and the list goes on.

God has blessed me with a wonderful husband. Our marriage is wonderfully blessed because He is in it. Our families & friends are amazing. We are so happy together and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Do we get “funny looks” by the “ignorant” yeah sure sometimes, but we ignore it and don’t let it bother us. It’s like whatever…..this is “our life”, “our marriage”, we are happy and in love and God brought us together for a reason and we are fulfilling that reason everyday.
I share your sentiment. Since moving to the UK, I have been subjected to all kinds of racist behaviour and comments. It was a bit of a shock to the system, but I'm not one to be easily disheartened. In a way I feel blessed because then I can truly emphatize with the people I help as Diversity Coordinator. Where I live, they refer to as the Last White City of England. Can you imagine what that's like having come from the Philippines? Like you I am blessed because not only am I married to a man who is my soulmate, but he shares my passion for championing diversity. And oh yes, he is white British. But that's another story.
The Goddess In You
Joy, I pray God helps you and your husband as you help people in your job. He will reward you. I bet some days can be hard...but God has you there for a reason, and I know He will help you each day that seems rough. Nice meeting you...come back and check my blog from time to time.
I am so glad that the world is changing and we live in a place were we can be together and be the people we want to be.
cheese butt!!! sausages
great post!
isn't it crazy how people can't see past skin color and look at someone's life.
Reminds me of the DC Talk song "colored people"
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