Ahoy, me Hearties! The Party is starting!
Place your hand in the bucket of goo prepared by the wench and find ye eyeball
Aaaarrghhh Captain Jack Sito
And here's the Old Salt Captain Fro
Aaaarrrghhh Shiver me timbers is ye lassy Lady Pinkerton
The Sea Pup must DIE

Blow me Down.....the Sea Pup is soon to be a gonner
Aaarghh pretty lassies

Captain Wiper Boot seems a little confused
Snoozing Captain Jack Sito??? Ahoy David...contemplating your next pillage?
Hang 'im from the yardarm
Batten down the hatches these lassies are up to something
Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! That was a greattt party!
it was a cool party. Michele did a great job setting it all up. It was also good to see Patrica again and all the other people's too. Pirates rock
pirates rock! good pirates that is....
Yeah, Michele's decorating and food preparation was the best part.
Ha Ha, reminds me of the good ‘Ol Days in Blackbeard’s Lair!
I would say that all the pirates were the best part! :) Thanks Chad.
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