Yes my dear friends, I am a poet. Unfortunately I haven't written any in a while. I received an email from the company I published my first one from and went on their site and I was able to find my poems. The first one I wrote, The Voice of Jesus, I was nominated for an award. I didn't win the grand prize, but my poem was published in their book. How cool is that!!! I bought the book because I thought that was awesome. I know I should get on the ball and write some more. I need to get inspired again. Why? Because it is something I enjoy....but gotta make the time to do it I guess. So is my first published short poem. This was written close to 8 years ago. Enjoy!
The Voice of Jesus
Have you heard the voice of Jesus whisper, "I have chosen you"?
Does He tell you in communion what exactly you must do?
Are you in the Inner Circle?
Have you heard the Master's Call?
Have you given your heart to Jesus,
Is He now your All in All?
Oh lala! Nail care tips I don't have an energy board to file my toe claws with. But pretty nails are one of my top priorities. Happy feet are clean feet too I guess. See ya
oops i spelled that wrong ooooo lala is right.Right?
Good stuff, write some more!
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