The Holidays are coming, I’m so excited it’s my favorite time of the year (Thanksgiving & Christmas) - I’m already listening to my Christmas CD’s. I remember when I was young, after Thanksgiving- it always seemed like forever for Christmas to come. Now that I am older-it’s pretty much right around the corner. So with that being said, here’s a little game of Favorites for Thanksgiving & Christmas!!! Enjoy!!!!
Favorite Thanksgiving Memory as a child? Helping my mom cook the Thanksgiving lunch, eating with the family and using those fancy wine glasses for our “sparkling grape juice”, and then watching a movie we rented.
Favorite Thanksgiving Memory as an adult? Last Thanksgiving, our family (Pentecosts) had a progressive style Thanksgiving. (Jon and Sarah –appetizers, David and Michele- Main Meal, Mark and I – dessert, and Mark’s parents- night cap and a movie. It was a full day, but I had fun.
Favorite Thanksgiving Food? My mom’s stuffing & cheesecake & Turkey
Favorite part of the winter? The coldness, wearing coats and winter wear, snow-if I lived up north-sledding, the holidays.

Favorite Christmas song? Chestnuts Roasting on an open fire
Favorite Christmas movie? National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.
Fake or Real Tree? Growing up always fake. Since Mark and I have been married- REAL. I really like it better.
Stockings after presents or before? Before
Favorite Christmas Memory growing up? Opening one present Christmas Eve- it was usually pajamas my mom made- I was so happy because I was able to wear them to bed. My mom would bake bread Christmas Eve in time for Christmas morning breakfast. We’d always get a slice or two that night. Waking up Christmas morning- Dad would read the Christmas story and my siblings and I would be so impatient and wanted to open our gifts. After we opened our gifts we’d have Christmas breakfast (country-salted- ham, baked bread, hmmmm yummy days!!!! Then go and play with our toys!!!
Favorite Christmas Memory as an adult? The Christmas before Mark and I got married. I came to visit him and his family for Christmas. They were so warm and welcoming. I got off work (Christmas Eve) around 12 and flew out of New Orleans to Tampa. I was soo excited to see Mark. He greeted me at the airport with a rose. It was soo sweet. That Christmas was special and I got to know his family better and we had a wonderful time.
Did you believe in Santa as a child? No, but when we lived in Germany, the kids in the apartment would leave their boots outside the door and on Christmas morning there would be candy in there if they were good and coal if they were bad. I got candy. It’s a German or European custom. I think Santa comes from that.
Wanna play? Copy and Paste- but put your answers where mine are.