Monday, December 18, 2006

Enjoying the Christmas Season

I just love the Christmas Season!! Driving around the neighborhood and looking at the beautiful Christmas lights in people's yards.....lovely!!! Or taking a short trip to the local park/lake and enjoying the Christmas lights and decor.

Mark and I spent Saturday evening in downtown Lakeland.

Mund Park

Sipping coffee and walking around the Lake....speaking of coffee I had a frozen chocolate covered strawberry drink from Mitchells....Oh my goodness....the BEST!!!! Yummy!

I totally tackled this Lion.....and as you can see I won!!!! Victory!!!!! Oh yeah!

Mark, sharing his coffee with the Golden People....he's so silly!!!!

Oh yes....its a PINK butterfly!!!!
I know your jealous!


mark said...

Lakeland has some neat places. Can't believe its not butter.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Believe it, my friend.

That's the same butterfly that I photographed Punam under.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

That's "Munn" park.

Gabriella said...

Thanks for the clarification Chad.... I knew we were friends for a reason!!! hahhahahahah