Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Summer of Pictures

Its been a long time since I've blogged. So I decided I'd "show" you we've been up to over the summer. Enjoy!
Mark started interning this fall at an elementary school in Lakeland. He is working with 5th graders and its been quite an experience. I think he is doing very well and learning a lot.
Check out his Blog- when you get a chance.
Here is Bubble helping him with his lesson plans.
And here he is again.....busy at work.
Oh hi....its just me.
Flowers are always nice, especially when they are from someone special.
Bubble and Shanaynay have been just wonderful. They are sharing a raw hide bone.
We had to end up taking this sock away from her because she was eating it and well...that wasn't a good thing. But she tore the mess out of it!
Since I got my new digital camera, Bubble has been an excellent model.
She's had this toy for 2 or 3 years now and she finally has created a bond with it. Very funny...the games we play with it.
I'm sure Bubble was messing with Shanaynay.

Mark and I took a mini vacation one weekend to Sand Key Beach in Clearwater. That was fun. It got a little windy and my umbrella almost flew away. You always manage to see strange yet interestingly weird people at the beach.

Oh yes, Bubble and Shanaynay have a new cousin...errr I mean Uncle. Mark's parents have a new dog. His name is Rocky, he is a Boxer. Bubble isn't too sure about him. ha ha
Shanaynay didn't mind him one bit.
Chilly spent a few days with us over the summer while his parents went on a short vacation. Isn't he super cute!

Well I think thats about it. I hope your summer was fabulous. Ours was pretty good, it just seemed to go by so fast. I just put up my fall decor last weekend.....and when I was done I thought, "wow....where'd the summer go?" Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

cute pics!!! I love the one of bubble up close! how cute!!
Looks like ya'll had a great summer! And yeah it did go by way too fast huh! Although I don't mind at all, I LOVE fall!! It's my favorite season. Even though it only last for 2 weeks here, I enjoy every minute of it!

Gabriella said...

I love fall too, but I don't think Fall exist here in Florida. ha ha ha really!

~Brenda said...

I’ve missed your posts, thanks for sharing your summer with us; I like all of the pictures but the one of Bubble with Mark at the computer is too cute!

My favorite season is fall and I have our home decorated also. Actually, today feels like a fall day in PA!

mark said...

It was a great summer It is nice not having a full load of classes. It seemed really hot though and I don't like that. THe dog pics are great, but yours was the mostest beautifulest!! :)