Mark and I really enjoyed my parents visit here. They were able to visit my dad's mom and siblings in Jacksonville last week Monday-Thursday. Thursday they drove back down to Lakeland and we had them over for dinner. We stayed up late and enjoyed each others company. Needless to say I was a bit tired the next day for work. But I guess it was worth it since we don't see them often. Friday they made a trip to MacDill Airforce base and did some shopping and site seeing. Friday night we had dinner with them and Mark's parents at BD's Mongolian Grill. They really enjoyed that, they hadn't been to a place like that before. It was good to see them have a good time. Later that night we had ice cream at Baskin Robbins...yum! Saturday morning we had breakfast at Cracker Barrel. It seems like we ate a lot during their visit. Whoa.... and we don't eat that much during a normal week/weekend....but I guess since they were in town etc. Anywhoo... later we went to Orlando so they could return their rental. We then went to the Outlet Mall down there. A day full of walking I tell then I didn't feel that bad about "all the food" I ate that weekend. Ummm what else. We did some shopping and everyone found something they wanted. What a fun day. And we didn't even get rained out! It started raining on our way home. Oh yes, our last stop was dinner at Fuddrukers. That was tasty. My favorite was the milkshake. We walked around the mall Fuddruckers is in (Festival Bay) and found a cool store where everything was $6.98 for every item!!!
Too cool. I found some shirts and Mark found some pants and my parents found some clothes and some stuff for my bros and sis. Then we headed home. Sunday morning, as you know you all were able to meet my parents or for some of you see them again. They really enjoyed the service, they said. After church we had a yummy lunch at Mark's parents house. They enjoyed meeting you Gina and seeing the rest of you again. They kept saying how much they enjoyed your company and how friendly everyone was. Oh and Chad, they said it was awesome to meet the guy that photographs us and the doggies etc. Sunday afternoon/evening we had them over and just relaxed and visited. Mark had to mow the pastures and then study, so the pics here he isn't in them because I was taking them while he was outside. Bubble and Shanaynay really enjoyed playing and being pet by my parents. 
My dad said Bubble is "something elese". And "mischievious" ha ha ha.
They left Monday afternoon and arrived back home Monday evening. Their flight was a little delayed in Houston, but overall they said they had a really good time and plan on visiting more often...and I'm happy about that. I miss them though...but I'm doing alright.
Last night Mark and I were able to go out on date. With work, school, studying, and getting things together at home, we haven't been able to have much time together to hang out etc. So last night we had dinner at Pizza Parlor place downtown Lakeland. I forgot the name but its run by Italians. It was very good. The funny thing is, there is another pizza place like 3 or 4 doors down that had NO business at all and the place we went to was very busy. So hmmm go figure. Anyways, we took a walk around downtown Lakeland and there was an apartment building and in the window there was a tall "man" staring out. I got a little startled, but then realized it was a fake big man. He looked like a hit man. ha ha hah aahahahah..really! Anywhoo I thought that was kinda cool/funny/yet kinda freaky perhaps. Okay well its Saturday and I plan on cleaning the house and start decorating for Fall. My favorite season!!!
Have a wonderful weekend/week. I will try to keep up on my blogging. (smile)
It was good meeting your parents, I could tell they are great people.
Sounds like you did have a lot of fun eating out a lot!
Glad you and Mark had a date last night. You guys must have went to "Palace Pizza". It is good. The other place up the street is "Stadium Pizza", a "buffet" style place, or at least at lunch it is. Me and one of my coworkers have went there a few times and stuffed our selves for around $6.00 something. I like both places. I think Palace has more of an ambiance, that's probably why people go there more.
I just noticed your new profile pic, Awesome! Your old one still shows up when you click to view your prfile for some reason, though.
Good choice of shot.
yeah for your parents coming down!
It sounds like a HIGH CAL WEEK!!
Now you’ll have to join a gym or something :-)
I’m glad you liked the fog picture, check out the next one. It was my wife’s favorite from that shoot.
Actually I during the I don't feel sooo bad...but still hah ahhahaha.
yes Gina..I got me some moxie eh?
Hey gabby,
Check out Jonathan's Blog, he's been updating it lately. I don't think anyone in our group knows that.
Very cute family!
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