Friday, August 18, 2006

Beach Bums

Well I am done with my job at the hospital and Mark is done with his job at Quill. And what do we do on our first day off....head to the beach. We had a nice time. Nice weather until the end of our visit. It decided to thunder, lightning and rain. It was breezy and not too hot. The water was warm but not too warm. Heres a picture of Mark and I posing on the beach rocks. Hey, maybe a model agent will come across these pics and get in touch with us. ha ha ha

Here is Mark walking towards me asking me what I'm doing...I was just taking pics of him. Oh yeah the sand/shells he is walking on man that hurt my feet....ouch!

This could have been a great pic except those people in front of me...ha ha ha. Here we are laying on the beach relaxing and people watching. What an interesting time that was.
Okay well perhaps I'll post more later!


Chad Oneil Myers said...

Glad you guys had a great time at the beach!

I'm also glad you two are moving forward into better jobs for both of you. I'll be praying for you.

mark said...

oh I look a little fat. and what's with the toes.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

I was going to comment about how thin you still look, bro!

David Pentecost said...

Toes are great! Everyone needs them.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Ok Gabby, I'm waiting for your Blog about Bubbles party. I know your going to do one!