Monday, June 26, 2006

Joining my pals

Well I decided to have another blog spot. I've been myspacing for a few months now....but I thought I'd also use Blogger as a blog space also.
Well lets see....about me...
Happily married to my wonderful husband Mark. I work at the hospital as a Purchasing Assistant. Mark and I have 2 doggies (Shanaynay- 10yr old Golden Retriever and Bubble- 8month old Boston Terrier). I have another doggie back home in Louisiana (Lucky- Lab). We also have 2 horses (Texas- Quarter Horse and Banner- Arabian). And some fishes....(Orangala, Lemonjalo, Stupid Fish, and Bob).
I must say how awesome God is...He is my source and my salvation! I cannot take a step without Him guiding me each day! His blessings are fantastic and His mercy never ends. He heals, delivers and saves. I put my total trust in Him because He is the Way!!!!


Michele @ crazyfordesign said...

Awww, how precious!!!

tufrthnails said...

Hey gabby Great page, I will definitely have something to read when I have some time. And I should have know it would be pink. You got me te guys came in and were very concerned that I was on a site with that much pink. It's all good they got a good laugh an i can take some ridicule.