"Wake Up Bubble!! Its your Birthday!!!!!"
Bubble was awaken on her birthday with a special "Birthday Song" from me.
Mark calls me crazy, but they love when I get all funny sounding with them.
Bubble ran around the house and somehow knew it was her special day.
Bubble celebrated her 2nd Birthday Saturday Aug. 11.
I made Bubble, Shanaynay & Tuffy little doggie handkirchiefs to wear in honor of Bubble's Birthday.
kfast Time!

They got a little tired after running around the house and playing.
Happy Birthday Bubble.....Bubble is opening her birthday present!!! Hmmmm what on earth is it?

"A new bed!!!!! Yeah!!!
Just what I needed".....-Bubble
Bubble is checking it out.............."Hmmmm it'll do"
Bubble's a bit tired.....we took all 3 of them to Petsmart today in search of a birthday bed for Bubble. It was quite an eventful trip. Filled with meeting all sorts of people, sniffing out the store, Bubble peeing on my foot, searching for the perfect bed.....oh wait...did I say Bubble peeing on my foot. Yes that is right. We were standing in an aisle when all of a sudden I feel this warm liquid on my foot. I jumped backed and was like WHOA?! Bubble smelled another dog's scent and decided to make her scent present. Luckily Petsmart has wipeys and I was able to clean my foot and flip flops and also clean her mess. Ha Ha... what a day. I ended up finding her a bed at good ole' Target. While Mark and the dogs waited for me in the car, I ran in and found what I knew she'd like......
And as you can see....................She likes it a lot!

Maybe Bubble will get a special treat tonight.....hmmmm something with Peanut Butter? Her favorite. Ha ha.
My baby is 2....I can't believe it!!! Oh My has she grown. 

Happy Birthday Bubble!